Saturday, December 15, 2012

A moment to reflect on scale

Some reference for scale: Christian is 4' 3" tall!

Not much progress today, so a good day to put things into perspective.  This photo is of the main window looking SE out of the breakfast room, and should give you some idea of scale on the main floor.  The exterior windows are 8 feet tall (6 feet with a 2-foot transom) and the ceilings are 11 feet high.  So the house, though it looks a normal size, is kind of like a picture enlarged at 120% - it's just bigger.  Take the next picture for instance...

Wee man in the big boys' room...
Here's Christian (again for scale purposes) standing in the corner of the garage.  The ceilings are 12 feet high in the garage (the crossbeam for the trusses is not yet installed) so there will be tons of room for storage up high if needed.  The base dimensions of the garage are 36 feet by 23 feet, so there should be plenty of car space and workshop area for Dad!

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