Sunday, December 23, 2012

We got shingles! (not the skin condition)

In the last few days most of the interior and rooflines have been finished, and tar paper, flashing and shingles have been applied to much of the roof (except the ridgeline and exterior openings).  It's really starting to look like a house now!

The garage is almost done and tied in!
This view shows the south side of the house with the garage structure complete.  The garage roof pitch is half that of the main house to take things easy on the eyes.  Looks like it was designed that way, right?  Not so much.

Close-up of the shingle color/pattern.
The shingle tint/color is officially called "Weathered Wood" and it has brown and blu-ish shale tints in it.  This picture doesn't do it justice, but it looks really sharp!

The garage!  Love it!
Last, but not least, John's favorite room: the garage.  You can start to see the size of things here.  We're gonna need an extension ladder just to change bulbs in the light fixtures!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not understanding where the garage is located and where it's connected to the house. I'm very familiar with this plan but trying to envision where you've put it.
